1.95 for 2 year mebership we must be crazy and almost all at the store is free to members wow
we are crazy no just understand it is hard for everyone right now including ourselves
so this will help keep our site running as well keep items afordable or free if you become a member here are just a small preview

poser png kits

Quick scrap pages and elements
great for both psp and photoshop- brushes fairy nature holidays
of some of our products each image is 200 dpi and about 800 pixels meaning 1 fairy is that large all come in sets
sets range from 1.00 to 2.95 and almost all are free to members excpt a few ebay exclusives and mega kits
membership is very low crazy low considering the prices in our store and you get them free as a member what is the crazy low member ship 1.95 for 2 years thats right 1 dollar and 95 cents
we know the economy is bad this is why the cost is so low to help others and to make a few cents our selves to keep the site running and to keep updated on programs that help make these items
we hope you will browse our store and see all the great items as well all the member free buttons
Renderly yours website/store link